Standing front and center, exposed and fearless
I saw the documentary of Sarah Palin last night. "The Undefeated" will premiere in 10 markets around the U.S. on July 15th and the timing couldn't have been better unless, of course, it premiered on July 4th, but I digress. This movie will destroy your preconceived opinions of Sarah Palin. It puts her record as Governor of Alaska front and center and gives a very moving account of her rise in politics. More importantly, it gives the viewer a very studied explanation as to why she resigned as Governor. That segment alone will make you realize that your perceptions of Sarah Palin have been misled by the mainstream media and left-wing blogosphere.
She has done what many of us might want to, but are fearful of for sake of being criticized. That fear has paralyzed the elitist Republicans in Washington as well as the members of the Republican "machine" throughout the United States. I was ashamed of myself when I saw the movie and thought back to all the times I acquiesced in the face of criticism toward my conservative views. No longer.
This movie will inspire everyone to stand up for your beliefs and to stand true for the things that matter to you. Don't shy away from criticism, it is the elitist's way of governance. Changes are only made by going against the grain of those elitist's opinions. Our current crop of politicians would have been laughed out of the Constitutional Convention in 1787. I can guarantee you that Sarah Palin would have been a welcome voice and active participant, so true are her ideals to those of our Founding Fathers.
Our Founding Fathers risked EVERYTHING in their pursuit of freedom from tyranny. The very ending of the Declaration of Independence states the following:
And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm Reliance on the Protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.I ask you, who amongst the current crop of announced Presidential candidates would do the same? Who amongst YOU will carry such a devoted commitment into next year's elections?
Sarah Palin is an example for all of us to follow. She has endured ridicule, scorn and death threats toward both she and her family. Would you be as committed as she in the face of such disdain?
It's time to be front and center, totally exposed and totally fearless to prove that we can stand with Sarah Palin! We must not let her fall!
The stage is set for a renaissance of conservatism, if we're up to the task.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Couldn't have said it better!
From Roderic Deane comes this:
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