I've been contemplating all that it means for Sarah Palin to run for the presidency of the United States. Yes, she's fiscally conservative, so check one off for the Wisconsin debate to end the grip of unions on our government budgets. Yes, she's pro-life and pro-marriage, as defined by DOMA, so check one off for social conservatives. She's also against the ground-zero mosque, so check one off for our Christian heritage. She was also spot-on regarding enforcing a no-fly zone over Libya, so check one off for foreign affairs.
My thoughts then drifted to energy. Score another one for Sarah from the outset, as she's been saying "drill, baby, drill" since drilling was cool. Now it's been halted, thanks to Obama. I then thought about Obamacare. Yep, check one off there as well. Her "death panels" comment started the bill on its path to destruction, God willing.
Now I'm left with a different thought. What does Sarah Palin mean to the world?
Sarah Palin is the only politician in the world who can calm it. She doesn't have to do much, she only has to convey a sense of resolve. I haven't seen any resolve from Washington regarding all the events that are unfolding in the Mideast and elsewhere. I haven't seen anyone step up on the world stage and say that this is NOT the end of times. (I've heard that....have you?) I don't believe it, however, because I know how resilient the American economy is. And, after all, isn't that what all the unrest is about: the economy?
Sarah Palin could announce that she will run for President of the United States, but it won't be a simple announcement that will make a difference. It will be her personality and resolve to champion all things that make this country great that will have an impact. Hers is an understanding of this country's greatness that mirrors the majority of Americans. The majority of Americans just don't yet know that. They still only know the crap that's being fed them by the left-wing, lamestream media. But that will change.
Ronald Reagan captured our sense of resolve and evoked a "can do" attitude when he began his campaign, which we sorely need right now. Barack Obama has done his level best to subvert our lofty expectations of the future and why? It's quite simple, really. Barack Obama believes that government is the end-all, be-all of the American experience, which is as far from the truth as possible. Without the understanding that it's the American people that make this country great, he is doomed. And without a strong America leading the way, our world is doomed to experience more unrest like we see today in the Mideast, northern Africa and elsewhere.
When the world senses a fading American dream, it loses its bearings and rightly so. We have to lead by example, not words. We have to lead by doing, not hoping. Moreover, we can only return to greatness if our leaders in Washington believe the same things that we do and get out of our way to prove it.
Sarah Palin oozes confidence in the American dream. She knows what will inspire us and it isn't some government program. She has confidence in us and, so far, she's the only politician that seems to understand that and has understood it from the beginning.
The minute that Ronald Reagan was elected President, the Iran hostage situation was over. The hostage takers knew their days were numbered with Reagan in office and they were right. The minute that Sarah Palin is elected President, the world will know that the United States has resurrected itself and act accordingly, deferring to principled leadership. That, my friends, is what Sarah Palin means to the world.
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