Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tear Jerker Alert....

In all the ways that we find stuff to do on the Internet, I found this and was mesmerized.

and this, because I want to remember this link:

last but not least, my very favorite song:

Knocking on doors

We're fast approaching the last 30 days before the mid-term elections. If you're reading this post, you might be asking yourself "What can I do?"

I live in a very conservative Congressional district. I have no doubt that our incumbent Republican Representative will win re-election. I have no doubt that our conservative, Republican Governor will win re-election. I am limited in who I can vote for, but I'm not limited in who I can influence to vote.

This election is all about turn-out. We have to make our voice heard. I don't know that I can influence a local election, but I CAN make sure that everyone else on my street knows the importance of this election. I can saunter down through the cul-de-sac and knock on doors. Not to influence their vote, necessarily, but to encourage them to vote.

I might make new friends and I might make my neighbors think about what is happening in our country. I might just make a difference in someone's opinion about whether or not to vote.

Starting on Sunday, I fly a new flag. I've been waiting for October to unfurl my new U.S. flag and the flag that will fly under it: the Gadsden flag. That is going to be my [everyday] contribution to the neighborhood. I have no doubt that the Gadsden flag will be a great conversation-starter as I walk the neighborhood and knock on doors.

What are your plans?

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Cocktail Republicans

Let me ask you a question. Do you identify with the Tea Party, or is your inclination toward the "Cocktail" Party? I put it in quotes, because it seems to be in competition with the TEA Party, no quotes needed.

Sarah Palin addressed this last night with Greta Van Susteren.

What Sarah was searching for, and couldn't quite come up with, was the phrase "Cocktail Party".

To whit: The word Governor Palin needed on Greta tonight was "Cocktail Party"

This is a perfect analysis of what the Tea Party is railing against in the Republican Party. The elites of the "Cocktail Party" seem to think that we won't notice, but they are mistaken. It's already out there.

Big time hat tip: Conservatives4Palin

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Tea Party Overview, from Tennessee

I've attended Tea Party events since April 15, 2009. There is a common theme amongst participants: big government is bad, smaller government is tolerable. Unfortunately, the liberals have done such a good job at creating institutional dependencies, it's very hard to maintain your belief in limited government when it means that you might have to give up a fat teacher's pension or forgo Medicare enhancements.

We have become a country that is a mere glimmer of what our Founders envisioned for us. Institutional dependencies are rampant within our society. It needs to be rooted out and, yes, we might have to wean ourselves from the public dole for the good of our children.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


This dialogue is hilarious.

California Nutcakes

California voters have a major job ahead of them this year. Rasmussen has a poll out that shows Barbara Boxer with a 47-43 lead over Carly Fiorina. What's really interesting are the percentage of supporters that plan to vote for their candidate. 82% of Boxer supporters say they already know how they will vote in November, compared to 79% of Fiorina supporters.

What that tells me is that there is only a 3% difference in supporters of either candidate who know how they will vote in November. The remainder of supporters that haven't made up their minds is well beyond the margin of error and that's not even counting independents who are still on the fence.

I predict that the California Senate race will end up with Fiorina getting 54% of the vote and Boxer 43%. The difference will be all those nutcakes that vote for Jerry Brown, thinking he's running for the Senate.

When Fiorina is sworn in as Senator, Boxer's supporters will only be able to mutter "bummer, dude!"

Larry King interviews Jimmy Carter

Jimmy Carter is promoting his new book, "White House Diary", and appeared on Larry King's show a few nights ago. The transcript of the interview was posted on RealClearPolitics here.

I scanned the transcript of the interview and was underwhelmed. What struck me was the very last thing that Larry King said:
KING: President Jimmy Carter. The book "White House Diary." This is going to be a major best seller.
This book has no chance in hell of being a best seller. Jimmy Carter is not relevant to the current political landscape, although he did have some good things to say about Sarah Palin:
CARTER: I think she's a vivid political person that has made a major impact on the consciousness of the America, both whether you like her or don't like her. I think she's extremely eloquent. She knows how to appeal to whatever audience is in front of her. And she has tremendous influence, as she demonstrated for instance just recently in Delaware, where she went in and endorsed an unknown woman who then prevailed in the Republican primary.
He went on to blather about the fact that he didn't think she could be elected President of United States.

We can only hope that he makes enough money to cover the publisher's expenses.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Sarah is ready to knock on doors in Delaware

As if Charles Krauthammer was ever doubting what Sarah would do in Delaware comes this, after Sarah's speech to the Ronald Reagan Day Dinner in Iowa City:

"I want to get back to Delaware and knock on doors..."

I watched the C-Span coverage of Sarah's speech, which was excellent, by the way. It was that quote after the speech that really got my attention. She said it unequivocally and honestly.

I'll guarantee you that her comment will be all over the Internet and ignored by the LSM. Just you wait!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

C'est la vie

Working a regular job is a pain when you want to engage in a conversation for the ages. Unfortunately, you have to set certain priorities with what limited resources and time that you have.

I would love to have the time to spend posting to this and other blogs every day, on multiple occasions. I'm excited about the Tea Party, Sarah Palin and all things conservative. I'm not into political correctness, RINO's, or being forced to adhere to a common thread, no matter what it is. That's the walk that I've chosen.

This blog is about trying to appeal to the impulse for liberty. I brought up the tail-end of the baby-boomers, born in '54. I followed a path into accounting and finance, because it seemed to be my best bet and one that kept me motivated during college. My father was a funeral director and my mom yearned for me to take over the "family business" after graduation, but my heart wasn't in it. He died at a young age, when I was only 16, working his ass off for the family's business. I have much to thank him for, none the least of which is giving me the opportunity to pursue a different path than his.

My father graduated with a degree in finance from Indiana University, but his opportunities were limited after his stint with the Army during WWII, although being discharged at the rank of Captain. His best (and immediate) bet was the family business and, to my knowledge, he never resented it or looked back. Although it didn't draw an immediate parallel to his degree, he was good at it and the business flourished in recognition of his attention to a grieving family's needs. I was always impressed with the empathy he showed those grieving families and they were always very thankful for his devoted attention.

Although I could not follow my dad's path, perhaps mine is not that far off from his. I'm still trying to make a difference with those that grieve for the "good old days". I'm concerned about the days that I remember as a kid and the fact that those days seem to be waning. I truly believe that it doesn't have to be that way.

Can I inspire someone else to pursue the path that I've chosen? Or is it a pipe-dream within the same context of my father's life? If he has stayed alive, he might have given me some insight. But for now and always, I just have to trust his judgment and celebrate the sacrifices he made for me to pursue MY dream, which is to make sure that MY son has the same opportunities that I've had.

Through all our trials, we must ultimately endure setbacks. We have to accept them and learn accordingly. Perhaps our contribution to another one's dream was not enough. Perhaps our vision was not one that stood hand-in-hand with theirs. Perhaps parting a relationship is just the thing to spur us onward toward achieving our goals. It certainly worked for Sarah Palin after her tortured relationship with the McCain campaign. Perhaps, in a smaller way, it will work for me.

Hat Tip to Texas for Sarah Palin. Thanks Josh! I do appreciate the opportunity you gave me.

A wonderful interview with Bristol Palin

Adrienne Ross has posted a fabulous interview with Bristol Palin on her blog. It is well worth your time to read it. An excerpt follows, courtesy of Conservatives4Palin:
Bristol Palin is her own person. She may be known to the world as Governor Palin's daughter, which is a distinction of which she is quite proud; however, there is much more to Bristol, who is now forging her own way in the world.

In an interview with Ms. Palin, I discovered just how independent and free-thinking she actually is. I took note of her ability to simultaneously handle questions, relate her personal story, and tend to her son--who was pursuing the acquisition of another popsicle. I got the sense that Bristol Palin definitely knows who she is and what she believes. I remember the first time I watched Bristol being interviewed. This was not that girl. This was a woman with her own convictions and the voice to articulate them. This was a mother whose worldview is clearly shaped by her child and concern for his future. One cannot deny that being Sarah Palin's daughter has helped form who she is, and she talked about that. But make no mistake about it. This is her story.

In surprisingly transparent fashion, Bristol opened up about "Dancing With the Stars," her abstinence advocacy, her mother's political career, and her own future. When discussing the 2008 campaign, she shared her greatest highs and even the lowest low.


Now, I wanted to find out about Bristol Palin. I wanted to hear her story. And I wanted to share it with the world. But I certainly would have been remiss--and a fool--if I did not take the opportunity to ask some questions about her mother. Bristol spoke honestly about growing up being "the mayor's daughter" and "the governor's daughter," which helped prepare her for the attention her mother drew during, and has drawn since, the 2008 campaign. Bristol shared that she is very proud of her mother, and she expressed tangible disgust for the lies about her and the obscene signs protesters carried--a practice which continues to this day. Not holding anything back, Bristol declared, "Those people make me want to puke."

Looking back to 2008, however, the lowest low for her was the day she sat on her mother's bed and, while watching television, saw her pregnancy revealed to the world. Governor Palin has talked about this moment and how painful it was for Bristol. The pain became more palpable, however, when Bristol shared the story herself. "I just wanted to hide under a rock. This was the lowest low I've ever had."

There were incredible highs for Bristol, as well. She recalled the long road trips and the huge rallies out in the middle of nowhere, where people gathered to cheer on the vice-presidential nominee. These are times not soon forgotten, no doubt, and my take on things is that Bristol would not have exchanged those experiences for anything. None of the negativity endured along the way could take from the pride of seeing her mother work hard to help her country and witnessing the overwhelming gratitude of multitudes of Americans.

2008 is behind us now, but 2012 is certainly on the minds of many in this country, so I asked the question. I did not ask Bristol if her mom would run for President of the United States, but I did ask her if she would like to see her mother run. Without hesitation, she said that she is definitely in favor of a Palin run for the presidency. Bristol knows that her mother would be good for our country, and discussed the qualities the Governor possesses that would make her an effective leader. Bristol cited intelligence, the ability--as a mom--to multi-task, and common sense. "I know she can lead our country in the right direction." Governor Palin, of course, is bold and unafraid, refusing to sit down and shut up. In the state of Alaska, she was known as the anti-corruption politician, and isn't that what we need throughout the entire nation? Bristol said yes. "She has a track record of taking on the big boys. She's a bull dog!" I like to call her a pit bull with lipstick or Mama Grizzly, as they say.

I was curious what Bristol wanted the Governor's most ardent critics to know, and again she spoke vehemently against those who have smeared and misrepresented her, questioned her abilities, and hated her for no sound reason. "I wish people would realize how intelligent she really is, how on-point she is." Those who are paying attention do, in fact, realize the truth about Governor Palin--and that number is increasing. The lies are being exposed, and people are embracing the common sense message Governor Palin brings, despite the agenda of the lamestream media.

I ended the interview by asking Bristol about her own future. Quoting her mother, she agreed, "The world is my oyster." There are many things she wants Tripp to experience, many things she wants to accomplish. But Bristol Palin is not just focused on the many opportunties that await her and hers. She possesses a unique, mature awareness of the opportunity she has to impact the lives of others. Bristol's focus, one not often held by a young woman of 19, was summed up in this question she voiced: "What can we do to help others?" And isn't that what life is really all about? The problem is most of us don't have this epiphany until we're much older. The awareness doesn't come by accident, either. It comes as a result of believing in something larger than self, and recognizing a responsibility to take the blessing you've been given and bless others with it. It comes from moms and dads who had the choice to retreat or persevere, who counted the cost, and chose perseverance because they deemed the task worth the risk. And it comes from looking around for someone with a story to tell, the courage to tell it, and a platform to use--and then realizing that person is you.
I'm in awe of Adrienne's accomplishment.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Internicine War in the Republican Party?

I have to side with McConnell on this one. Extending the Bush tax cuts to everyone is the only way to signal to investors what they should do in 2011. Anything less will just delay a recovery, as investment will continue to sit on the sidelines hoping for a better-defined path to growth.

Per the Washington Monthly:
MCCONNELL BREAKS WITH BOEHNER, WILL FIGHT MIDDLE-CLASS TAX BREAKS.... House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) is reluctantly willing to go along with President Obama's tax-cut policy yesterday. Might the Senate GOP leadership go along? Not so much.
Senate Republicans will oppose any effort to renew soon-to-expire Bush administration tax cuts if upper income taxpayers are excluded from the reductions.

A spokesman for Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell said Monday that every Senate Republican has pledged to oppose President Barack Obama's tax-cutting plan. [...]

McConnell has said a bill extending the tax cuts for only low- and middle-income earners cannot pass the Senate. Forty-one senators can block a bill with a filibuster, but McConnell spokesman Don Stewart declined to say whether all 41 Republicans would support a filibuster.

Is Charles Krauthammer choking?

The use of the word "capricious" is absurd. This is a battle for the soul of the GOP and both Jim DeMint and Sarah Palin know it. Charles needs to be wheeled out into the fresh air of Alaska. The beltway smog must be starting to get to him.

Sarah Palin was WAY ahead of the curve!

Looking back, I wonder how much the McCain camp cringed during her speech.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Eking out an online presence

I've only been blogging for about a year and a half, but sometimes it seems an eternity. I've learned that a blog presence is only noteworthy if you continue to punch out meaningful postings. Not being a writer by trade, I'm often faced with a cruel lack of original content. After all, how many ways can you re-hash an opinion on the Ground Zero Mosque or on Sarah Palin's latest speech when those topics are covered over and over by a large contingent in the blogosphere?

The biggest challenge is in determining what I want my presence to be about. I've covered a very wide range of topics over the last year and a half, but haven't really hit on a unique theme. Although there are countless examples to emulate, I still search for a unique train of thought that can encompass all my postings. Perhaps I'm over-thinking things and only need to post from the heart, as I've often been advised to do.

Although I do contribute to a number of other blogs on occasion, I'm still trying to define myself through my own material. There are a number of bloggers that I've followed for years that I look to for inspiration. They include Glenn Reynolds, Ed Morrissey, Michelle Malkin and Erick Erickson. Since joining the Twitterverse a few years ago, I've also added a whole host of other bloggers that leverage Twitter with their blogs, including Stacy McCain (rsmccain), Melissa Clouthier (MelissaTweets) and Tabitha Hale (pinkelephantpun).

So what do these bloggers suggest about my own presence online? Quite simply, they all say "be there and be there often". Gulp, that's something that runs counter to my normal state of affairs: going to my job, maintaining my domain (I'm about to fire my 16 year-old son for skipping his mowing job for the last two weeks), and catching up on all the news online, in the hopes that I'll find something that inspires me to write. Unfortunately, we have now crossed into football season, so my Friday nights are spent watching my son's high school football team, watching my wife's college team on Saturday (University of Texas), and participating in an NFL pool on Sundays.

I've only missed a handful of my son's football games since he started playing when he was an 8 year-old and I've been a college football fan since, well, college, and a NFL fan since before I can remember. I've been a political-news junkie since I started listening to Rush Limbaugh in the eighties and I'm now engaged in learning all about the political debate of the day. I'm also an ardent follower of all things Sarah Palin and haven't been moved by any national political figure since Ronald Reagan.

So, how do I find time to post anything on my blog? I'm often reminded of the Nike commercial from several years ago: Just Do It!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Paving the way toward the elections

I remember when I was a bit younger and living in Fort Wayne, Indiana. You could always tell, my parents said, when an election was coming up. The mayor would spend money to repave the roads into town and then use that as evidence that improvements were the result of his candidacy.

I guess nothing has changed, but it's now become a national occurrence. President Obama is proposing to spend another $50 billion he doesn't have to pave over roads in the hopes that the electorate will see improvements as the result of his governance.

I call bullshit now as I called it way back when. $50 billion is a drop in the bucket in the entire scheme of things. It will do no more to kick-start our economy than a few paved roads did in Fort Wayne, 36 years ago.

If ever there was a time to make a statement, this year is it. To hell with the federal government thinking that they can spur our economy into growth by paving roads. That is asinine. It didn't help the mayor of Fort Wayne either. He was defeated and replaced with a Republican. Four years later, the roads were paved again, before the next election. Call me a cynic, but I also worry about what happens AFTER November.

In the immortal words of Forest Gump, stupid is as stupid does.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Dirty Laundry

I'm having a moment of peace in my man-cave...okay, it's only my back patio, but it's mine!

Nonetheless, I've been concerned about all the BS in the press. In particular, I'm concerned about the attacks on Christine O'Donnell. What has she done to deserve it? In my mind, nothing!

As the November elections grow closer and closer, the long-knives are brought forth from their sheaths. Time to put on your vest of mail, ye who do battle with the lamestream media. You'll need it often, so keep it handy!

What, you say, does any of this have to do with dirty laundry? Nothing, really, or everything. My wife has dirty laundry strewn all over the living room, sorting and queueing it for the washing machine. If but we could launder all the spiteful, vitriolic postings that demean our principles...and those of Christine O'Donnell.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Hitler weighs in on Ground Zero Mosque

Hat Tip: The Other McCain

Special note: the YouTube version is laced with profanity. I would NOT recommend it.

Thursday, September 2, 2010